Try these for fuzzies
Someone cant remember who recommended them on here a while back and they work amazingly well.
Try these for fuzzies
Someone cant remember who recommended them on here a while back and they work amazingly well.
Awesome!!! Thanks for the link. I’ve been looking for something to make life a little easier!
I figured I would give it a go, small sign in cherry, I used all pockets instead of vcarve, still need to sand and stain, this is straight off of the machine.
Looks good! Ill be attempting a couple of these today to hopefully surprise the wife with.
Looks great!
Nice work you guys.
gives me ideas.
Nicely done! What feed rate and depth of cut do you guys do for hardwoods like these?
Depends on your machine set up. I use a vfd/air cooled spindle, but for the roughing pass, I typically use a .25" downcut bit (4 flute), running it at around 70 ipm at .1" doc (10,000 rpm). For the finishing pass, I use a .125" ball nose at around 100 ipm with a .6" doc (10,000 rpm).
Any tips and tricks you use to get the 2 tone finish? I’m doing one now, airbrushing dye in between carves to get nicely separated letters etc.
Everything is stained with small brushes. I usually start with the lighter colored stains,but it also depends on what stain is used where. On most signs, we stain the background first, then the border, and then the lettering.
Good suggestions and info. Thanks all!
Is that text Brush Script MT? May I ask what size bits you used with this carve and your depths of cut. I have tried carving this text and find that there is material leftover within the “a” no matter what I use. Thanks.
Yes, the font is the Brush Script MT…I used a 0.125" endmill for all the pockets, but I went around all the smaller text (profile pass) with a 1mm endmill after the pockets were done to get into the little tiny places.
I have been trying to adjust my carves (and tested with using a profile) but am not able to eliminate excess material within/and a bit around some of the letters. Would you be willing to look at my file if I email it to you? Sorry, I am new to CNC.
Never mind, think I may have it!
Glad you got it…what did you change?