Spindle will not turn off (Resolved)

Yep, dollars to donuts, if you measure across the source and drain of the FET, you will see a short :smile:

So @JerryWoods could you throw a toggle switch in the black wire until a replacement is part is obtained? At least then you can zero the Z axis while waiting

Donā€™t know if I owe you dollars or donuts but resistance between drain and source 0.00 ohms.

On the phone now with inventables. Lets see if their rep holds up.

Donuts please, and Inventables is awesome, they gona get you fixed up :slight_smile:

Thatā€™s 2 for 2 Jerry, They are sending out a new interface today. Iā€™ll post again when I get it all up and running. Maybe in a few days I will be able to cut something other than air!!

you should also make sure the pwm is still coming from the arduino. without optical isolation, its possible that the gpio pin on your arduino is also fried. You should be able to put an oscilloscope on the yellow wire and send m3 s500 or something and see a nice pretty square wave.

The team at Inventables has earned my unyielding loyalty. After troubleshooting, we discovered that there was a bad FET on the Power Supply interface. I was told by a delightful young lady that was the first to take my call that they would ship out a new part that day. Well that day was yesterday about this same time and today at this time my X-Carve 1000 is up and running as it should. They sent me the part overnight through UPS.

I wish I knew the name of the young lady that took my call so I could thank her publicly but if she reads this, she will know if only to herself, that she made a customer happy.

Thank you Inventables!!

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I had a very similar experience via email with their customer support team. Extremely impressive and looking forward to receiving the replacement. Well done again Inventables team!

Iā€™m still waiting for my doughnutā€¦

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Pick your shop and I will call in an order for you to pick up. ā€¦ Really

Donā€™t feel bad Charley, My speed controller just did the same thing.
Inventables must have received a run of bad mosfets.

Having noticed a few posts fron some folks who were less than satisfied with parts of the machines they received, Iā€™d like to make a few observations.

Inventables is in all reality a small company selling a product that has taken off like a wildfire in a hurricane. They seemingfly have hit a market for those of us who want to get into the world of CNC but dont have 3-4000 bucks or more to ā€œtry it outā€. By doing what they have done, namely putting a decent unit out there that we the consumer put together they have hit a price point that alot more folks are willing to pay to get going in the hobby or business.

Inventables does not manufacture the spindles themselves, or many of the other components of the machine, they rely on good relationships with outside third party vendors to produce the items needed to put an x-carve together.
With that sort of arrangement the quality control aspect is passed on to the vendor with oversight by Inventables.
Sometimes the parts made on Friday afternoon before super bowl Sunday or what ever holiday, event or other distraction or the Monday morning after has the potential to have issues.

You can insert what ever reason you like. Sometimes ^%$$# happens.

Add to that these things are intended to be assembled, a rather complex machine involving mechanical, electrical and digital aspects, by the end users (us) who have a wide range of ability to do so, from the person who barely knows what end of the screw driver interfaces with the screw to the MIT grad in mechanical engineering (who may or may not know what a screwdriver is :wink: :grinning:) And things can get real interesting real quick.

The real shining aspect of the company we have chosen to interact with and do business with is what many of us have discovered. the level of customer service and responsiveness to or needs is astounding and a testament to the caliber of the Inventables team.

I for one look forward to a long satisfying relationship with them.

Ok, end of thread jack, we now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.


I am consistently uber impressed with the Inventables team. I received my replacement parts and am not back in action with going through my learning process of the machine. I can only imagine some of the issues that I am having are caused by me being a rookie at this gear and despite the volumes of forum material that I have gone through only through practice will I understand why things occur at different times in the process of using this awesome machine.

Just had what I believe is the same problem, talked to the very nice lady at inventables and she shipped me the new part without question. When the new one comes in ill ship the old one back and hopefully they can diagnose this problem.