Just for the beginners like me.
Post Processors for X-Carve have no spindle stop command at the end.
UGS does not stop spindle after finish the job.
I had to add manually to .pp file.
Here how it is now.
X_Carve_inch.pp (3.9 KB) X_Carve_mm.pp (3.9 KB)
If you send a M5 command I believe that will stop the spindle. I know M3 S18000 starts it as I have to use that command to start mine using UGS and some gcode exports
Any gcode transfered from vcarve was same. Spinner can’t stop, even if you send M05 manually. I started to add on last line every gcode by opening with notepad, than i realized xcarve.pp post processor have nothing at the end. Now it’s working fine for any toolpath.
Thanks for doing this Alan. I was thinking the same thing except didn’t know where to put it in the file and what the command was.
Thanks again, very useful.