They’ll be back. It’s a never-ending battle.
I changed the name of this thread to [ongoing] instead of [solved]. Sad day.
Certainly seems like it couldn’t hurt, anyway. Pretty rare to get two real people posting exact-same-title threads!
@paulkaplan Their attacking right now! 1000 Sunday morning. Hopefully you get the email about this post and can get ahead of the onslaught.
Ugh. Looks like they are back again.
@TonyNo And @JamesMurray I deleted the new spam accounts created and all their posts. Thanks for the heads up.
And they’re back. Has anyone mapped their IPs just to get an idea of where they are coming from?
It’s probably a botnet. Given how useless the spam in this case is, I assume it is just scanning for any site with the same forum software.
Sam here from Discourse
@paulkaplan my recommendation here would be to get GitHub - discourse/discourse-akismet: give spam a whoopin installed here. It is a great first line of defence.