So I have a lot of questions that I was hoping people here could help with. To give you a little bit of my background, I started this journey as a freshman in high school where I accidentally took a senior level course on 3d CAD. After that I took a handful of classes on engineering, manufacturing, and CNC machining. After school in started CNC machining for a living and have been doing that for the last 6 years. I have had jobs as CNC operator, set up, and manual machining. It was only a month ago I learned it was possible to do this at home. I had no clue machines like the X-Carve even existed. Now that you know about me I will move along to the questions I have.
What upgrades are worth getting right away, and which are worth getting later down the road?
How hard is the X-Carve to set up and calibrate with no electrical knowledge?
What are some good quiet spindles that work well on soft metals like aluminum and brass?
I’ve seen people here talking about water cooled spindles. How hard are they to set up and use?
Is there a way to simulate manual machining without writing a program?
Are there any upgrades to increase the Z axis workspace?
Is there a physical control box or is everything run through a computer and program?
Do all CAM created programs have to be converted to GRBL, or is there a way to run “full” G-Code like I am used to?
Can you manually write a program? Not using Esel or any CAM software.
And lastly, what did it cost you to set up your machine? I mean for everything, programs, table to put it on, the machine itself, tool, ect. I am hoping I can get everything for around $2000. Right now all I have is a spare bedroom that is empty. I am just hoping someone can confirm my estimate is in the ballpark, or whether I am under or over estimating it. Thank you all for your time.