I made a simple test .SVG file for Easel that should in theory carve out the background (black) and leave the letters raised, but when I bring it into Easel as a fill it shows it as cutting out the whole square. Where am I making a mistake?
Are the individual pieces grouped or as a compound path?
A compound path. I did notice I can do it with the app in Easel, but curious why not from a .svg
You’ll want them to be separate paths
What are you using to create the paths?
First I tried combining them in Coreldraw then I tried creating the paths in inkscape
Yep, try not combining them.
Or just combining the text and not the surrounding box.
I’ll give it a shot again, Coreldraw is not very .svg friendly, it’s always a issue. But Inkscape usually isn’t an issue
If they are two elements you can adjust the depth independently.
It might be easier to draw the rectangle in Easel and only import the letters.
You can precisely control the size, position, and depth.
Interesting, I wasn’t aware you can do that independently. I have to check it out.
That works perfect @Zach_Kaplan, Thanks!