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Hi there Sorry for english I got big problem with plugin and laser power Laser got one power and speed, even if i change settings in plugin. My firmware is 0.9j with modifited hex where i disable spindle and load xLoader. I plug laser in pin 11 and 14 as gnd. Commands M03 / M05 on and off work. Another problem is in curves. If i made project where is simple vector like square line my x-carve make move, laser is on but is to fast to engrave shometing. If i made some circle there laser power is only 100%. If i engrave fonts only laser engrave on curvers but on straight line is moving to fast and dont engrave Where is problem ? What i made wrong? I send gcode with Universal Gcode Sender version 1.0.9
Laser engrave red lines with 100% power i think. On blue lines make too fast move.
It’s caused by your acceleration settings for the X&Y axis’s in grbl. Increase the accels and then lower your feedrate so arcs run at the same feedrate as your straight linear moves are.
The J-Tech Laser Tool has Travel Speed and Laser Speed, but I’m not sure how they are different from each other. If that is the plugin your using, change both of them to be the same, but lower the value to slow the feedrate down so the laser burns the straight lines.
Hi there. I tested that settings but no change, only x-carve make some noise from slow traveling But bow i load Grbl J-Tech Photonics 0.9g hex file with x-loader. I have lasen on pin 11 and 14. Now i can control laser power with M03 S… but i cant move my x-carve in manual control and its do nothing when i send wile with g-code.
Hi there.I read this section nad ill make the same things. Another part is $14. On $$ ill got $14=0 if i set this to $14=1 i got message >>> $14=1 error: Not idle
After load Grbl J-Tech Photonics 0.9g and reset still the same $14=1 error: Not idle … and i cant control move on UGCS Manualy move axis don’t work. My x carve do nothing od send g-code. Meybe i make some wronk on different place? UGCS ? or plugin problem?
I solved my problem. Load Grbl 0.9j. Dont make any changes in settings $$. Dont use Inkscape plugin. I make g-code in easel. Replace move z-axis with laser on with power, send with UGS to x-carve and its done Here is some test samples