Solar Powered Welcome Sign

Here’s my latest project I’ve made with my X Carve. I made a box out of 1x4 select pine, used 1/4" red oak for the letters, superglued them onto the acrylic which I sprayed with a “frosted glass” spray.
I found a solar powered rope light at Harbor Freight so I cannibalized it, sticking the lights to the inside back of the box.

I cut the letters and the recess for the solar panel out on the X Carve.


Very nice, Mike! Thanks for the post and for giving me another project!!! lol

Can’t wait for a “night view” of this thing!

[quote=“BillArnold, post:2, topic:12043”]
Thanks for the post and for giving me another project!!! lol
[/quote] I second that!

Nicely done Mike. Don’t forget a night shot if you can. :smile:

(I did a solar railway signal after taking a pair of solar lights apart, just need to finalise a mounting method for it: [Completed] Railway signal as garden ornament - Projects - Inventables Community Forum)



Nice project @Mike

Good photography as well. :smile:

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And here’s the night shot. It’s difficult to use the flash and still get the impression the sign is ON, but if you don’t, the sign looks way brighter than it is. It’s basically a nice gentle glow.

Here’s one without the flash just for comparison. The dark spot is where the battery/electronics are.