Wife told me my Xcarve and Drum sander were Xmas, Birthday, and Fathers day for the next 5 years. Plus adding 10’ by 26’ on to my shop.
No your wrong Phil. She stil gets to take HALF!!!
Absolutely Correct. And don’t forget that YOU are hers.
BUT! did you try your best to be naughty or nice? That’s the question!
I’ll never tell!
Has anyone ever tried to carve a lump of coal???
I need some pointers.
I got a much-needed Suck-it dust boot (on order, expected in a few weeks) and a pair of bandsaws (a small-ish one that we’ll put a narrow blade on for radius cuts and finer work, and one floor-standing beast that we’ll put a wider blade on for larger stock). It was a very good Christmas.
I charge mine husband tax: She eating something tasty? Take a bite, “Husband Tax!”
(She got me back once by taking half my sandwich!)
See. She Gets Half!!!
Just depends on if she wants it or not.
It’s the first long gun I’ve had with an octagon barrel. It is nice. I have two other Henry Rifles with the round barrels (.22LR and .357 Mag). I’m partial to the Henry’s as far as lever guns are concerned. The actions are just so smooth and they shoot really nice. Not to mention Made in America.