Hi all.
I have been asked to do some signs for our school. I am donating time and material. They want them done in the colorcore plastic. I was able to find a local retailer that had a half sheet of 1/2 inch and gave me a really great price on it. Since it is 1/2 inch, the sides will really show. Does anyone have a great way of easily and cost effectively dress the edges? About the only idea I can come up with is cutting a “V” into the side of the sign and gluing a piece in cut opposite. The old school way of veneering edges. I’m just not sure I can get paint to match well enough and be durable enough.
What exactly are you trying to do with the sides? Do you just want a champfer? Or clean up the sides so they are smooth?
Sorry, I should have explained better. Since it is half inch color core, the edges are pretty exposed showing the 3 layers. These are going to be signs in the hallway outside of each room at shoulder height. I would rather use a thinner material but since this is all donated on my part I don’t want to spend a ton. I can buy a 4x4 sheet of half inch for less than I would pay for just shipping on thinner stock.
I think that material is typically just left exposed. I don’t think it looks bad. It is what it is.
you could do a bevel or rabbet from the back so that only the top layer shows obviously (so from the front the top layer would be wider, and the sublayers would be inset from the edge)… might want to round the top edge a bit since shcools are high traffic (which can be done pretty quick and easy with just a router)… works nicely to preserve the illusion of a single color with inlay
How about 1/2" J-Trim. You can usually find this at most big box lumberyards in either vinyl or metal. It is used to trim 1/2" drywall edges around doors and windows. Just hides the edge. Below is a photo of the vinyl one at my local Home Depot. On their web site I am only seeing boxes of 50 but usually you can buy it by the piece. Also are links to similar at Lowes and Menards.
You could cut 45 degree corners and use hot glue are another adhesive to attach bt the back tab. Also could paint it if you wanted a contrasting color.
There is also a similar j trim made for vinyl siding. Most of it is for 5/8" but there are some 1/2" around too.
After some thought and looking around on the internet and seeing on King’s website about bending the plastic, I am going to try and route off the bottom and some of middle layers. I am going to try and see if I can heat it with a heat gun and round over the top layer.
Cool idea. Where did you find that on their site?
They have some general tips and tricks under the CNC heading. Seeing the part about bending the sheets to form corners gave me the idea. Hopefully I will have the time tomorrow to try it. I only have some 1/4 inch cut offs, I won’t have the 1/2 inch until Tuesday or Wednesday. Just have to figure out the corners.
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