Hi, just wondering if any one has come to a problem on not getting the right dimensions on the cuts and how to fix it. I think I off by 0.111 on the x ans 0.041 on the y help please.
Thank you
Hi, just wondering if any one has come to a problem on not getting the right dimensions on the cuts and how to fix it. I think I off by 0.111 on the x ans 0.041 on the y help please.
Thank you
Do you know how to calibrate your steps per mm?
Hi @FundadorAlicea are you quoting those dimensions in inches or mm?
If inches that is a very large tolerance to be off by. I’d contact our tech support team directly to help diagnose it with you.
In the mean time:
Yes they are in inches I check the belts they’re good and check if I am square and I was off a hair on the"y" i square out and is much better.
Thanks for the quick response I appreciate very much.
If you move the machine without a load does it move the correct distance?
Can you take a picture of the part?
What size is it?
Is the design made in Easel?
To optimize accuracy one need the following:
When that is in order one can start to take into account backlash and tool / machine deflection.