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I’m looking for tips on how to get Z=0 perfect (or as close as possible) between the two stages of a two-stage carve. I tried using the probe off to the side of the actual carve, but still ended up with the following…
I’d like to give it a shot “manually”, but Easel won’t let you set X/Y=0 and Z=0 separately that way.
I thought about pulling a trick by performing one last single-stage carve using the finishing bit with the depth per pass cranked up to the carve depth… Thoughts?
Make sure you set z0 for both stages at the same location, when your piece is not perfectly even. When using the probe you first set z0 and the go to xy0 for the second stage go back to where measured z0 set it and use the option use last xy0.
Unfortunately, that’s exactly what I did (I even traced a circle around the bottom of the touch plate so I’d put it in the exact same spot before the second stage), and I still ended up with the results shown in the picture.
There are a lot of things that could potentially cause this issue, including different forces on the 2 different bits, surface not completely flat, bit geometries leading to slightly different zero points, bit not tight, DEWALT 611 not tight in the mounting bracket, deflection of the material when probing. It’s hard to know exactly what the cause is.
I’ve seen it in all of the multi-stage carves I’ve done, although admittedly that’s only three carves (still a newbie).
Deflection of the material when probing is my best guess (I can see the touch plate move just a smidge when the bit makes contact). The difference in carve depths is VERY small, maybe 1/64" at worst. I suppose it could also be a matter of bit orientation and what part of the bit is making contact with the touchplate…?
As I said, I’d really like the ability to manually re-set Z=0 without also resetting X/Y=0 in Easel, but I don’t think that’s currently a possibility.