Setting UGS Z movement

I have been having problems with carve depth and when I checked the axis movement in UGS setup I noticed that the Z axis moves twice as far as indicated I.E, step set to 2MM actual movement 4MM. How can I fix this?

Hope this can help :slight_smile:

Adjust level of micro stepping value on the stepper driver for Z:

Tried that but without success. I changed values but the update does nothing

Then you need to elaborate on your steps taken so we dont have to keep guessing :slight_smile:

Is your $102 set at 188.976 assuming it is an acme screw Z axis?

went out to check and now UGS won’t load…Very frustrated I’ll try again tomorrow thanks for the help

Can you try Easel, in case that woll open/connect okay?

Easel / UGS work off the same GRBL parameters stored so fixing this issue can also be done in Easel.