Was using firefox, but running in to some speed issues lately with it. Downloaded Chrome on my home computer last night and just messed with it a bit before shutting down for the night, didn’t carve anything though. I noticed that it looked like my machine settings weren’t saved when I went to open machine inspector. showed 11.1x11.1 wasteboard instead of whatever the 1000mm is. Do I need to set up the machine again or just change the dimensions? Probably a stupid question, but couldn’t find anything on the search function. Thanks
that has always been my understanding of Easel. some of the setting are stored in Cache memory (Easel related) of the browser and some are set in the firmware (GRBL settings) which resides on the controller.
Sat down and got everything redone in chrome. Running good now. Actually speed the current carve up and increased DOC a bit too. Running great, still need the z axis upgrade though.