Sacrifice/Waste board question

When using a sacrifice board to profile/cut out do you need to set your material depth to include the sacrifice portion + project material? To avoid milling into my high dollar waste board?

This may seem blatantly obvious to the more advanced users in here. I do not have my machine yet and have had no opportunity to experiment.

You wouldn’t want to purposely cut through your wasteboard. Personally I made my own wasteboard and cut into it all the time, every so slightly but it get chewed up. I’ll be resurfacing it soon and possibly adding another board to it for the sole purpose of having a positive edge to line the 0,0 edges.

I’ll usually measure my material with some calipers and then add about 0.005" when I enter is to Easel to account for unevenness and such.

Sorry for the terrible lighting, I really need to get some better lights in the shop.

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good idea on the home made waste board, but my question was in regards to a sacrifice board. That I am very willing to carve up. I guess I sort of answered my own question. But just wanted to know if it was correct to add in the depth of the sacrifice board into the software.

i.e i have a .5 piece of wood. and a .5 piece of sacrifice would i enter my overall material @ 1?

Sorry, when I see sacrifical board I basically think of it as the same as a wasteboard. I would still consider what I had mentioned above, so in short, I would not add the thickness of your sacrificial board. If you want to cut you 1/2" piece, just enter that, and as I mentioned before maybe add a bit of depth to ensure you are going to cut straight through.

Basically what happens is you zero your bit out on the top of your material and the the machine will cut to the depth specified in Easel. So in your case you could tell Easel your material is .505", zero the bit and then the machine will cut down through your material and then 0.005" into your sacrificial board (depending on how square, level and even your material is).

I hope that helps!

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