Run time question

Before I started typing my question, I found there was a feature request for “time remaining shown” that’s still out there.

I guess that’s in the after “carve” section? I don’t have my machine yet, so I’m just doing some designing and seeing how it looks in the 3d preview.

So, for my question - basic n00b CNC stuff I guess…when you select a rate for inches per minute…is that inches per minute per step? Or inches per minute presuming everything would be a full cut?

If I were to design a basic 10" x 10" square, cut-out full on say a .25" material, and set to 40" per minute…

Would that cut the full piece in say 1 minute? or would it be one minute per rotation around the square, and say 20 passes…20 minutes to cut through?

I like the idea of a rough preview time to see how long something would take to mill the whole file so I can see if I want to split out parts if I don’t have time for a full sheet.

If I understand your question correctly, the inches per minute would be how far the bit would travel laterally in a minute. Ie; 6 inches a minute meaning it would move 1 inch in 10 seconds.

That would be at max speed once the gantry accelerates there. Just like an automobile, one does not go from 0 to 60 in .003 seconds. ( although it would be a kick in the pants!). Then there is time to decellerate and move in the z-axis etc., etc.

I hope this helps. If i understand what you reference.

Is that 6 inches in a minute…per pass/stepdown…times say…(guesstimate) 20 passes if one were to cut through?

Simple travel time. how long it takes to get from a to b so per pass.

If you have 18 linear inches to cut, with a .25" depth @ .0625" per pass, total of 4 passes so.

18" @ 6" per minute = 3 minutes X 4 passes =12 minutes

BTW this is a really slow feed rate for wood and I would think you would run into bit overheating issues at this speed. I have run 30-50 ipm and up to 100 ipm on a 1/4" endmill with no issues at these depths in pine.

Oh, I’m not using realistic speeds, just trying to understand length of time to make a project since I’m new to the whole feed rate thing.
