I’m finally trying to clean up the cutting at the bottom of my pockets. It’s not bad at all, but i want to dial it in as well as I can. The picture below is from standing in front of the x-carve. Running my finger across the cuts, it feels as if the front of the cut is slightly higher than the back. Sanity check here, I would want to try to shim the top of the router bracket slightly to bring the bit more true to square?
Most of us did the same adjustment. I have post and pictures about this, but I couldn’t find it now. Basically I added shim to bottom of Z axis plate by loosing two holding screws all the way bottom. Good catch.
Not an uncommon problem. Here’s a thread that shows how I shimmed the top of mine out: Squaring a spindle in YZ (lesson learned) - #2 by RobertA_Rieke - Troubleshooting - Inventables Community Forum
Thanks, guys. Just shimmed with a couple pieces of card stock at the bottom of the router. Probably need to go with one more piece, but cut a new sacrificial board with a 3/4" bit and the lip is only slightly noticeable. Step in the right direction.
Has anyone adjust their machine to the point where the bottom pocket is perfect or nearly so? If so, please take a picture of your best result. I always assumed that a little bit of this was a fact of life, but if it can get near perfect, I will try to adjust as well.
I’m going to make one more adjustment this evening and then try some more pockets. I feel like I’m pretty close to getting them clean, so hopefully I can report a positive result.
I shimmed mine until it was perfect with the 3/4" wasteboard cutter. Now whenever I use a 1/8" bit, it’s flawless. It’ll probably be this weekend before I can use it, but I’ll take a picture when I do.
That makes sense. Shim using the biggest cutter as a guide.
I did the same. Worked until the 3/4" was about as perfect as I can get it. Just cut this one with 1/4" and I’m quite happy with the results. I can run my fingernail along the bottom now without feeling the ridges…big difference from my first pic in the thread. Haven’t done a 1/8" pocket yet.