Router bit manufacturers

Hi Guys,

I had a bit break mid carve last night. After grieving my loss for a few minutes, i grabbed by box of bits and looked around for another 1/8" down-cut bit (currently cutting ply). I had two, one i recently bought but have used a few times and one i bought well over a year ago and I’ve used TONS. I assumed that the newer bit would be in better shape but upon inspection the old bit is far sharper!

Now the old bit i have is a Whiteside bit and the newer one is a LMT-onsrud. Sometimes with some projects the best bit is the cheapest bit other time it pays to have a quality bit. Do people have a brand which they find outlasts the rest? I’ll probably be ordering another few Whteside bits now I’ve found a good source in the UK.


Whiteside or Amana

Onsrud, Amana, Yonico, Freud all have served me well. I’ve only owned one Whiteside, it worked. Lately been kind of liking the Yonico mills half the price of Onsrud seem to last and cut just as well.

Being a novice I bought 10 of the smaller bits and 5 extra of other commonly used bits.
Its costly but I will be breaking more as time goes by. Just need to have the extra cash to keep buying them.
Consider this. If your not breaking them from time to time then your not learning.
Or your just not cutting at all. (Right now my system is off. Can’t cut anything as me and my roommate are redoing the garage to include a curtain and set up for evacuating the dust.)

Precise Bits

I also buy inexpensive carbide bulk 1/8 inch bits from amazon. The lengths vary a bit on these, but the diameters have been dead-on. These bulk bits do have a fair lifetime, but the inexpensive cost means that I can easily toss a bit when I even think it is getting dull.

Here is my bit collection and sources:

I like freud and bosch. But by far grandads stash of old bits are the best. Sometimes new and innovative is not always the best.

I would hate to have to go and buy the 300+ bits he has. even has some of the stamped steel bits those are a no go lol too skeered to chuck one of those up.

Who makes the bits sold by Inventables?

American Carbide
Routerbits as small as .01
Great bits.