Alright so I’ve finally got the basics down and i want to start working on my real project. Making a box mod for vaping andni have my blanks all ready to carve. My only issue is rounding off the edges of my box. What bit would I need and how would I set this up in easel? Im attaching the pictures of my blank and then the general shape of what I’m hoping my finished product would be. Any ideas?
That’s what I thought but I just wanted to see if there was a way to make this an all x carve project.
I’m not sure you could do that with Easel
Now, you could do it VERY easily with fusion 360. It has a bit of a learning curve, but once you get the basics, setting up a box takes no time at all. The holes on the sides will probably need to be done off the X-Carve, but you can get the profile done.
I’ll check out fusion, thanks!. Just to be clear it’s the rounded edges that I’m worried about, not the shape.
Can be done with fusion, but it’ll be a LOT faster and more accurate to use a router table. You’d have to be dead-on zero with the X-Carve and your measurements, and if you lost steps you’d destroy a perfectly good blank pretty quickly.
I guess I should have said that I don’t think it is a native capability of Easel (e.g. it’s not baked into the options). It would be an interesting exercise to see done though.
So I was going to experiment with the roundover but I can’t find any bits here locally that would fit. So I’m going to call around and see if anyone I know has a routing table. I am curious about using these cutting point roundover bits I saw in a shop bott video. I might order me some and see what happens.
I just hate that end mills are so hard to find locally. Good thing I have Amazon prime lol