You forgot to put the CNC demon on it.
What kind of ants do that? I thought termites were the only pests that do that to wood.
Carpenter ants: Carpenter ant - Wikipedia
Carpenter bees are also sons of b!&$@ with their circles and tunnels.
you should make them have gargoyles
Cant wait to see this!
Not sure you seen that:
Been long time on my list to try.
Or just use a hole saw and sawzall?
LOL As someone here once said: A solution looking for a problem!
I actually made a few of those in high school when my dad was repairing the garage…
came out ok… sorta.
pretty cool Phil… just be careful, it no longer has the strength of a 2x4 only that narrow part. You are probably much lighter than I and wont have a big issue. If you make more, cut the arc about 1/2 way through.
Ah I see what you are gonna do now… it looked like you were just going to stand on those with nothing on top. I got ya now.
3 minutes including all the set up and clamping? That is quick, I wish you lived nearby I would get you to help me build my deck.
I’m not crying… there is just dust in my eyes