Rhino + RhinoCAM: What post-processor?

Hello everyone,

thanks to the advice of @AllenMassey and some video of @RobertA_Rieke my machine is now perfect.

In the last 2 weeks I enjoyed cut small stuff with Easel, also as a test, but now is the time make serious stuff.

I use Rhino to CAD drawing and just bought RhinoCAM to generate tootlpaths, and seems not too hard to use. But now? What kind of post-processor I need to select on RhinoCAM? I heard about Mach3 Inch/Mach3 MM (if I correctly understand the name I will use MM)?

If I want to use Mach3Inch/MM I need to buy this? https://www.inventables.com/technologies/3-axis-dsp-based-digital-stepper-driver

Any info are really welcome!


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for starters: what setup do you have? What machine and which driver board?

I own a SO2 with arduino/grblshield and use the mach3-mm post in rhinocam to generate my .nc files. These can be fed directly to the controller, no additional hardware required.

I am not familiar with SO3 and XC and their respective controller boards, but i imagine they work exactly the same.

i do have to note that the mach3-mm post will act funny when generating complex 3D toolpaths for objects that feature holes to a grbl-based controller.
It is very specific though, and for most operations that post will work just fine. I am curious though if anyone can make or knows of a 100% compatible grbl post processor for rhinocamā€¦

Hello @xfredericox!

I have the X-Carve 1000X1000, all is stock for the moment, including the control unit. I have the DeWalt 611 spindle.

To be honest I tried to make some toolpath with Rhino (with the machine unplugged) and works fine. Also Mach3 seems to read it.

Of course Mach3 have A LOT of setting to do that I barely understand so I havenā€™t touched anything.

I have been using mach3 mm and inch with success (mostly inch)

I use UGCS (universal gcode sender) with total success so far.

I have not started doing 3d cuts yet, just 2d.


can you explain me how you do it? Iā€™m in terested ONLY in 2D design for now.

I have Rhinoceros 5, RhinoCAM but what is this ā€˜UGCSā€™? Is a program?

I also ā€œfoundā€ a version of Mach3MIll or something like that

UGS Universal G Code Sender is a java based program that allows you to control and send code to your X-Carve

So you output your GCode from your CAM program and send it via UGS

Post Processors are used by your CAM software to format the G Code in a format that your machine can use. The X-Carve uses GRBL, so any post processor that works with GRBL will work.

Easel is a web based program that can make 2.5D files (CAD) and output them to g code (CAM) and send them to your X-Carve (sender).
Easel has the option of saving the G Code in a file for later use or loading other gCode to send to your X-Carve

I use VCarve Pro as my CAD/CAM software (I bought it bundled with my X-Carve) and UGS to send the code.

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Hi @AaronMatthews

Honestly I think I have understood your explanation.

As said I have Rhinoceros for CAD drawing and RhinoCAM for generate the toolpath, and the G-Code (I assume).

So, as I have RHINOCAM, I only need UGCS to send it to the X-Carve, or Iā€™m wrong?

I recommend using the ā€œDaily Buildā€ version as it fixes a memory management issue.

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And no Mach3 or equivalent involved? How I will control the machine?

as an alternative to UGCS,I use this gcode sender:


it is basically the same thing, just not in Java, which i dislike. And it has some very interesting features such as coordinate truncating, which is a must-have if you work with makercam in mm.
Thereā€™s a few other alternative software apps as well that you could find on the shapeoko wiki.

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Iā€™ll take a look at it!

Here is our commercial option. www.picengrave.com - PicSender


thanks to you too! For sure Iā€™ll give a try to you product too, once I figured out what is the best for my needing.

But one thing: What post-processor I need to choose when I create the toolpath!?!? RhinoCAM DONā€™T have GRBL option.

Try the Mach3mm PP, but you will need to comment out adding a G64 (constant velocity) Grbl canā€™t run that command. There must be instructions somewhere that explains how to edit the PP for RhinoCAM.

in most cases, you wonā€™t need to modify anything, just use mach3-mm or mach3-inch depending on your preference

Ok but how I know that Mach3 is setted for my machine? There is nothing that need to be setted for my specific machine?

Your right. I just tried it with grbl 9j and it just ignores the G64 and runs right on by it.

Here is the information on how to configure grbl 9.

I need to literally ā€œcreate the fileā€ on my CAM program? Iā€™ve seen that option but I figured out that was something that only a tech could do