I have a question in regards to why Easel makes cutting paths travel in a counter clockwise rotation and if there is a way to change this in the G code. Please see my picture below and allow me to explain.
- This is the rotation of the router bit from above (looking down on the CNC and work piece) The rotation is clockwise
- When I make any shape in easel that has a “fill” the g code created writes the path in a counter clockwise pattern. The code starts from the center of the fill area and works its way outwards.
- Here I show a combination of the two rotations and here is where I am having trouble understanding why easel is programed the way it is. I have always been taught that you want to feed the material AGAINST the rotation of the bit. If you have the direction of travel the way easel currently does it leads to the bit wanting to “outrun” the material feed. On forgiving materials like wood this isn’t an issue but on things like acrylic or aluminum this toolpath leads to chattering and poor edge quality.
Is there a way to force easel to do a “fill” with a clockwise rotation? I feel this would work better for acrylic and aluminum since the material to be cut would be fed AGAINST the rotation of the cutting bit. Any input is appreciated, thank you.