I’ve sent a couple emails to help@inventables.com but have not received a response. Is this still an active address? If not, is there somewhere else I can send my inquiry?
I’m not sure about the help email, but you can call them. That might be a quicker way to get a response if it’s a more urgent manner.
email is a little slow, probably best to just call
In my experience it takes about 1 to 2 days to get a reply, but they did reply to all inquiries I made.
maybe you can write your question here and we can try to help you “faster”
Unfortunately, my question has to do with some backordered items that were supposed to ship on Monday but apparently have not shipped.
I tried calling the support number, but it went straight to voicemail.
Also, nobody from Inventables has replied even to this thread. Did they all go on vacation?
Hi @StevenHines Yes there are 5 people monitoring Help@inventables.com
We typically get back to everyone the same day the place an inquiry. I know we had 2 people out today so that might have caused the delay.
They should get back to you in the morning.
Hi Steven,
We received your emails and responded to both of them, however because your original message was a forward from our system’s original back order notice email, the replies from our help desk support center incorrectly posted back to help@inventables.com instead of to your email. We will look into this system issue and see if we can fix that. I am sorry it caused a delay to getting you an update.
The backordered Dewalt 611 mounts arrived in yesterday and after they are checked in we will begin shipping those out to everyone. We estimate to have that plus your remaining backordered items all shipped out by November 2nd.
Again I apologize in the delay of getting you this information. I know that it can be frustrating not knowing when something you ordered will arrive. Let me know if you need anything further.