Just sharing a couple of my recent projects.
Height chart for our daughter. 3/4" oak. I have a 500x1000mm X-carve so I did 2 ft at a time with an 1/8" endmill and just kept sliding it down. Stained, hand painted letters(ugh…), then polyurethane.
Fathers day present for my Dad of the lake their cabin is on. 1/8" end mill again in 1" Padauk at 32"/min. Came back with a 60 degree v-bit for front and back text generated from F-engrave. No stain. Just polyurethane that I didn’t take my time with so I ended up with some bubbles. Altogether about 2 hours cut time.
Lastly, today I wanted an easy project so I figured it was time for a bit holder. I quickly mashed together two designs from the project page and grabbed a scrap 2x8. I ended up having to drill out the 1/4" holes because my machine seems to be off a touch on it’s circles. Same with the hold-down bolts holes but I think they were designed for 5mm and mine are 6mm. This also means the heads are a little too close but staggering takes care of it.