Push stick

I’m using the Flights of Ideas extension to export SVG’s.

I’ve try two different versions of that plugin and cant get either to export. do you have link to where you got yours? Thanks

I don’t remember the exact site, but I found this download link on my computer: https://github.com/simonbeard/sketchup-svg-outline-plugin/releases/download/0.9999999/flightsofideas.rbz

Didn’t share it publicly Robert :frowning:

Hopefully this one is better.

Take it from someone who has lost a digit on a table saw (I’m often referred to as “Frodo”), the DiResta push stick design is much safer than the classic push stick like what Zach posted.

Less degrees of freedom = more safe. If your push stick can articulate, it can let your body parts slip and slide around into the No Go Zone. Bad things happen at thousands of RPM’s (which is fast).

The main notch for the push stick should be below the centroid of the triangle (for most of the push) and there should be another notch right on the front tip (for the very end of the push).

I whipped this up in Corel if someone would like a .SVG version.


I knew you were kidding… It only took 45 seconds.

I would like the svg. version… of the ‘correct’ file of course :wink:


Here is it in Easel:

Here’s one that I use… :smiling_imp:

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@JeffParish thanks for sharing.

I think you have to give us “public” permission to access it.

Sorry I forgot…hate when that happens!

I got the design idea from Steve Carmichael. Check his youtube channel out Mudflap Girl Push Stick - Woodworking Shop Decor Project - YouTube He makes some cool stuff.

That is an excellent design, thanks for sharing :grinning: