Anyone have any suggestions on a good place to buy Goggles? I just purchased my Jtech laser(great company) and I am looking for goggles that fit over prescription glasses. The glasses that come with the kit will work but not very comfortable. Any recommendations for a quality seller will be appreciated. I searched on google but As a laser newbie I am not sure which are good ones.
Thank you all for the input!!
This company sells expensive goggles, but they have a lot of good information on their web site that can help you decide what you want. Then you can shop with more information at hand.
If you were to buy from this company you would get the Universal Style LG3 goggles to work with the J Tech laser and prescription glasses.
These have a much higher optical density than the ones that came with the laser kit.
I would recommend that you get certified goggles, and not the cheap Chinese versions.
Are you in hurry? We will be doing the order quote soon and I can ask the supplier to add 1-5 pieces of the goggles you need, but this will take probably around 3 weeks + shipping.
I mounted a sheet of the J-Tech acrylic to the front of my x-carve so I could wear glasses as well…you are right, the glasses that come with the laser work great, but not if you have glasses on.
No hurry, Thanks!
I have wondered about that. How did you mount it? Do you have a pic?
That was my concern, not wanting to buy non certified lenses.
I drilled two holes near the bottom of the acrylic sheet and used post-insertion nuts in the extrusion under the wasteboard’s front edge and used some M5 socket head bolts to attach the acrylic sheet to the extrusion. I’ll take a picture and post it when I go back out the shop.
Guess my glasses must be bigger than yours.
Here are the pics of the acrylic sheet mount…the first one shows the front of the machine with the post insertion nuts…the second one with the sheet installed. It only takes a minute to put it in and remove.
I also keep a couple of sets of glasses nearby from J-Tech as well because someone always seems to come up and want to watch as I am using the laser.
Thanks! That gives me some ideas.
This is how they look like. They work with standard glasses i didnt know about this.
You can find them on our websote as usual.
they remind me of willy wonka’s glasses
cool though
I only comment as that’s what I was called when I put mine on.