So, it’s occurred to me since I started milling PCBs that you can’t just design your circuit the same as you would if you were going to send it to a board house.
For example, through hole components. Say I want my lead to pass through the top layer and solder to a pad on the bottom layer. To accomplish that, I drill a hole and mill the trace for the pad on the underside. Pretty straight forward, right? NO. The top layer can’t be left the way it is. With just a hole drilled, there’s a good chance your part’s lead will act like a VIA and connect the bottom and top layers where the hole was drilled. To prevent this, you have to mill a circular trace around the hole on the top layer to isolate the copper and prevent a short.
So, I’ve been thinking about best practices for milling PCBs and I can’t find any part libraries for milled boards.