OpenBuild Acme screw for Z-Axis

I think that I’d like to eventually use the OpenBuilds Acme screw in the future on my X-Carve’s Z-Axis. Main reason is because of the nifty anti-backlash nut that they sell. In addition to figuring out how I’m going to get the bearing and pulley from the X-Carve to work with the new rod, I need to figure out whether I should change any of my Grbl settings.

Can someone review these specs and instruct me? ( I think I gleaned the correct ones for ours.)

Inventables Acme screw:
Single start
Lead Screw Diameter 0.375" (9.525 mm)
Pitch 2.117 mm
Lead 0.083" (2.1082 mm)

Openbuilds Acme Screw:
Tr8*8-2p (4 starts)
Lead Screw Diameter ∅ 8 (mm)
Pitch 2 (mm)
Lead 8 (mm)

My thanks to @AngusMcleod for the info he’s already posted about Acme screws in the past. This is just something completely new to me.

Use Inventables supplied pulley.
However you also need the lock collars.
See my post:

I have that rod and anti black lash nut on my machine

Perfect! Thanks guys, I’m ordering the stuff now.

What kind of differences have you noticed with this upgrade?

Check out:
C-beam z axis upgrade and Openbuilds v-wheels

I am in the process of upgrading as well. :slight_smile: