I’ve been working for weeks just fine by making .svg files using first Photoshop, save file as .psd, then import to Illustrator, do image trace, and expand, then save as .svg and import into Easel. This has been working for a couple months, and earlier today it was working fine, I carved quite a few pieces today with no problems.
Suddenly when I go to import svg file in Easel it says:
“oops we couldn’t find any objects in your svg file”
I don’t understand what is different to cause this all the sudden? I prepped the file exactly as I always do. I restarted everything, the Mac and all the software and it still says the same thing.
Thanks for any ideas on this.
Mac OS 10.10.2
Photoshop CC 2015.0.0 release
Illustrator CC 2015.0.1 release