[NOW LIVE] [new feature] G-code sending through easel

@John2, @LucianoBarrios, @CharliLindahl, @ChadForrester—you now have access to the g-code sending feature.

Thank you!

Hi, may I have access to the Gcode sending feature in Easel.

I am using ArtCam express and chilipeppr, but would like the acess through Easel for their Gcode toolpaths.


Would also like feature enabled please.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Two stage cuts

@BobHewson, @KentonHoover—you now have access to the g-code sending feature.

Hi Giovanni,

I am using ArtCam express and X-carve with standard quiet spindle with post-processor reccomended by them, but the toolpath doesn’t want to import to Easel’s “import Gcode feature”. Post I use with X-carve and Chilipeppr is “Mach3 EZrouter Boss5x8Arc ATC (inch)(*.txt)”.
When I import a file I get error message and a repeat import of same file gives a different message of erroneous Gcode. Any suggestions from anyone?

Would like to have access to this too. Thanks!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Two stage cuts

@Hanyean—you now have access to the g-code sending feature.

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My I have access to the g-code sending feature

Thank you, I have used this feature and I am very pleased. and the warning the feature gives about feeds and speeds was well put. Thanks again.

Can I get access to this feature please. I can’t believe I missed this opportunity! I’ve been designing in fusion 360 and just waiting for this type of feature to be made available. It looks awesome!

I would like to try this. nothing else seems to work.

I would love to try this new feature. I’m a vcarve desktop user. Thanks

I would love to try this new feature. I have just started using Fusion 360 and was hoping to get into some 3D carving.

Please me to would be really nice.

Will you be able to edit Gcode with the feature or just send it to easel to cut,

Could I please have access as well?

Thank you