I’m having several problems. First is that circles are not being true and the next depth of cut is way off. This is a longer question because I include several examples of what is going on.
As you can see the first pass on the circle stutters on the upper left hand corner. The on the second pass is goes right of the first pass then things get real bad. I know the second pass is worse because it is cutting more material.
I’m using a 1/16" fishtail bit, 25 ipm and .025 depth/pass in Cast Acrylic.
I thought something might be wrong with the controller so I reset it (both ardunio and GRBL boards) and tried another cut in MDF.
Which turned out perfect.
Settings 1/16" Fishtail bit, 30 ipm and .02 Depth/pass
At this point I was getting excited that the problem was solved so I cut another Project.
Then here in the letter Y the second pass wide. This letter was in the middle of the cut so letters were cut out after it and they turned out fine. Settings 1/16" fishtail, 30 ipm and .02 Depth/pass
So now my thoughts are, is this a fluke? So I try another project.
This one I watched all the way through and everything runs fine until it cleans up the circle in the middle then the offset starts happening.
settings 1/16" fishtail, 30ipm and .02 depth/pass.
Here are the links to the files. Any help that is giving is appreciated.