Hello one and all…
There are enough X-Carve users in our portion of the country that it’s time to see if there is any interest in forming an information/social group of Inventable/X-Carve users.
A mission statement would be along the lines of a gathering of like minded individuals who get together to discuss their thoughts, ideas, problems, suggestions, and projects with other users. I foresee it as a means of passing along plans, solutions, improvements, and any other subjects that might arise amongst X-Carve users.
I am located in Portage Lakes which is just south of Akron, north of Canton, Ohio. Perhaps a get together once a month at a fixed location, or possibly a rotating locations at our homes to show off our handiworks or possibly demonstrations of our machines and associated items, tools, materials.
I am totally open to suggestions or constructive thoughts on this idea. Feel free to contact me either here, via email apopj@yahoo.com or telephonically 330-819-5834. Hope to hear from ya’ll… Jeff Popa