I searched the forum, but maybe i missed something.
I bought a shapeoko2 last year and recently purchased the x carve upgrade kit, power supply, and spindle. I got everything put together, wired up, and connected to easel.
my stepper motors are moving in the right direction, but when i choose “automatic spindle control” I get no response. If i flip the switch to “on” the spindle powers up. In the “logic position” I get nothing.
any ideas as to what i could be missing?
Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions.
Did you connect the Arduino speed control pins to the power supply?
I soldered on the header pins to the shield and ran pin 2 and 5 (counting right to left) to the power supply, if that’s what you mean.
I’m afraid to ask, did you try spinning Colette with your finger. Be careful. Sometimes spinner doesn’t start spinning.
double check your wiring for the pwm control (auto spindle control) and double check that you have auto selected in machine settings. it is easy to miss those little steps when you get excited to run the machine you would not be the first to forget these small instructions