New Waste Board

Before making a new jog system, I wanted upgrade my Waste Board to make everything more accurate. That kinda got out of hand :slight_smile:

  • I moved my X-Care to another room.
  • The room was filled with “storage things”, so I had to build an new closet to store our we-will-keep-it-but-never-use-it-stuff :slight_smile:
  • I change from a Windows tablet to PC to control my X-Carve, so I had to get a new PC + screen + mouse.
  • That required making a new PC table made out of an old Singer sewing machine table.
  • Wifi was to bad in the new room, so I had to install 15m new LAN cable.
  • THEN I started on the Waste Board :slight_smile:

Here is the result in pictures.

On the left the new closet that can store 48 boxes (size 56x39x42 cm each). In the center the new PC table and on the right the X-Carve table.

The waste board consists of the tables 16mm MDF. On top of that, there is a 12mm MDF and on top of that there is a 25mm MDF. I lowered the T rails, so that I could get the best of T rails and low profile clamps, so they don’t collide with my dustshoe

I made 4 of this:

That makes my clamps as low as 9 mm:

Next problem was the PC. I was getting to much dust inside, so I moved it inside the closet.

That’s it. Have a nice day everyone.



Right there with you.I’m in a similar process… about to change out wasteboard again… in the meantime, building a torsion box table, changing steppes, changing the x rail, and modifying dust collection


@JeremySimmons, thinking about it, that looks a lot like my life :laughing: