I am new to cnc and this community. I purchased a bobscnc and put it together. Bob recommends F-engrave and UGS-platform software, so I was trying to use that with very limited success. I was able to cut out some letters when using the installed fonts in F-engrave but not cut my own designs.
So I decided to give Easel a try. The design part was really easy for me to understand and implement. I got to the Carve part and that’s where I had a problem. When I hit Home, the machine did what it was supposed to do, so I know the software was communicating with the machine. When I got to the Zero part of the walkthrough and pressed the arrows to move the router into place, there was no response. The router sits in the Home position and acts like it hears nothing (reminds me of one of my former students).
Any ideas about how to get the router to take action???
Thanks in advance,
According to the Bobscnc website:
I tried to use Easel, now my machine does not work correctly.
Easel will work with the E3. However, if not you try to configure it, Easel writes different values to the
EEPROM. These will have to be changed back to default values out outside of Easel. I have not found a
way to change it with easel. Easel does not have an E3 configuration.
• Install and load UGS Platform version – Please see our quick start guide
• Connect the E3 to UGS thru the USB connection
• Click on the menu Machine>>Firmware settings
• When the dialog box opens, go thru each $ value and change the numbers back to the default
E3 setting. These settings can be found in the assembly manual.
Phil, I don’t see anything in the advanced machine area that says it’s in the alarm state.
Check the step size for the jogging of the router. I think the default jog size is relatively small and so it appears like it isn’t doing anything but its just a really small motion.
Thanks Justin, I did change those settings to higher numbers.
One thing that may have some significance to my problem. At first, I did not go through the machine setup because I don’t have the inventables machine, so I could not choose which size (mine is close to 500 by 500 but not exactly) and I don’t have a clue which screw type I have. Then I went back and chose random answers just to see if the machine would respond after having completed that step. Would this have an effect on my problem??
I also use bob’s cnc, I use vcarve, save the toolpath as gbrl (inch) then open in UGS. you do not even need F-engrave.
I have been having more success now. Still a struggle, but I am getting better with F-engrave. One of the things I am trying to figure out now is the settings in F-engrave for v-carve and multiple passes. I seem to be going too deep on the first pass which has caused problems by changing the home position of the project.
I am considering trying one of the Vectric free trials to see if it will significantly improve my success rate. Thanks
The shift in home position would be lost steps, probably caused by trying to go too deep and/or too fast.
Thanks Justin, I figured that was true. My problem is I thought I had the setting at a shallower depth than what the cnc executed. Still learning!! Also, I use scrap plywood to practice and there is a variety of hardness throughout each piece. When I use regular lumber, like cedar, there is more consistency of cut.