Draw a triangle, then “edit points” and you can use the “curve” function to make something very close to what you’re talking about.
this is what i want to do, with radius value
I love it,works great. Now if we could have a tool that allows us to vary the depth over a shape, that would be great!
Yes! Dimensioning would be so sweet.
That may be over kill, I’d be fine with selecting two nodes in edit mode and setting the distance.
In much the same way you can set coords for a shape, be able to set the cords for a point. Just like the poistion box on the shape tab without the 5 point selector. This would be in addition to snap. to a grid. Maybe add a new tab to “cut/shape/point”, the coords of the point could go in there, as well as the endpoints box. This would cut down on the amount of screen real estate being used as well.
Looking into this now, thanks for reporting.
It looks like exclusively an IE problem, I’m working up a fix right now, should be ready shortly.
Be nice… the poor guy only has 32GB of RAM.
Your fix is ready!
(Me for the last 15 minutes)
Sorry about that. Damn you Internet Explorer…
Guys I think this is amazing and you are doing a great job.
However there are a lot of powerful drawing programs out there that can export SVG and I think that it would be hard to be at the same level. I am talking about illustrator, inkscape etc.
Would not be better to prioritize features more related to carving, like v carving for example?
Again, I don’t know what features you are working on. This is just my opinion.
By the way , I love my Carvey
It happened to me too a few days ago, with a simple shape generated in illustrator. I restarted the machine and easel and it worked, with the same svg.
That’s even more concerning that you have such a great computer and using IE as your browser Hurts my brain.
Has anyone else tried the pen tool?
Sitting in a brewery so haven’t tried to carve with it but the design part works great on a 13" laptop, Chrome and Firefox with Windows 10.
I was playing with the pen tool, it is fantastic. Thanks
Also the estimated project time is a good tool too.
Dangit @Zach_Kaplan, I just got home from an emergency trip East and went right into a garage overhaul. How dare you bring out a tool that looks so useful when I’m at least a couple weeks away from making sawdust???
I can’t wait to try this out, and I suspect I’m going to have a few dozen things designed. Between this and the timer, I think you just made Easel at least a few millihelens more attractive…