New dust boot!

Destroyed my 1st all acrylic boot when it caught on a hold down clamp. But I’m glade it did. This one works better.



what is the material around the edge of the shoe? The skirt or whatever one calls it…

Also where is the angle that connects the shoe to the xcarve fastened ? Behind the spindle mount?

That’s the perfect solution. I was always think about design like this, because you’re not forcing your router up. Gives me inspiration to draw similar. And I’ll name it DustParisher. :slight_smile:

The skirt material is strap material that I slit every 1 or so and glued to base. The main L bracket is attached to the front of the main X carriage mount. I drilled and tapped holes (2) to attach and drilled relief holes to clear v-wheels. Made it from 1/4 hard board but may replace with metal bracket if need be.

Thanks for the complement Alan.

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Very nice Jeff! I am going to copy your solution, looks very neat.
Could you please share some closer picture of how did you mount it to the gantry?
Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

I love the visibility it affords. Plus, that Dewalt has a light to light it up.

Here’s a pic of the mount to the gantry. Hope this will help.


Yes, it is nice to be able to see what and how it’s cutting. Even tho the Dewalt blows down on it, I don’t get any dust escaping.

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Nicely done Jeff, I really like the design. You might loose a tiny bit on the x travel but keeps the weight back towards the centre of the axis. If I ever see the need to use something other than the 3D printed fixed height dust extractor i will be copying your design. Imitation being the most sincere form of flattery and all that : )


Yeah, your right Shawn. I did lose some on x travel, but only 1/4" on left side. I put in stop pins on maker slides to limit travel so I don’t crash the shoe. Worked out just fine. BTW…thanks for the flattery.

Ok, 1/4" doesn’t count. I was thinking it was a couple 2-3 inches.

Not sure what I was seeing the first time I looked at the photo? Went back and looked again and certainly don’t see a couple inches of lost travel.

Yeah, I think eye sight is the 3rd thing to go. Memory is the 2nd and I forget what the 1st was.

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Could you take a picture from above the X-carrage, looking straight down?
Trying to replicate your dust shoe… :wink:

Is this what you need?

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Thanks, but not really.

Could you place your camera above the x-carve? Need a birds eye view of the X-carriage, dewalt, dust boot mount. The whole thing…

This one?



Thanks a bunch :+1:

No problem!