Here is a clock that I just finished(.Not the best picture) It is based on the Deco clock designed by Clayton Boyer. I cut everything but the frame and base on the x-carve. Actually milled the slots in the base that the frame fits into with the x-carve.
I had cut all the pieces previously on a scroll saw but just could not get it to run. After getting my X-carve dialed in I re-cut the gears and pallets and such on the the router. Put it all together and had it running within minutes. Still ticking along after five days now. I love the X-carve!
Great work. Looks good.
As well as Clayton’s clocks, have you seen the designs offered by Brian Law (search Brian Law wooden clocks). I too made one and love it.
I agree with @DavidWestley
Question, did you use the dxf files to make the gears? what was your MO?
regards Neal
Thanks. Yes, I have made one of Brian Law’s clocks…number 11 I think…using scroll saw. He does have some very cool designs.
As far as MO, I purchased the Dxf files. I cleaned them up in Draftsight (also slightly modified the frame) and used CamBam to generate tool paths and G-code. Sent it to the X-carve via UGS.
I work with CNC machines all the time at work but for some reason it is so cool to sit and watch the X-carve cutting out these gears:sunglasses: