Phil I might just have to buy that workshop package when I get some money! Love it!
Phil - I have been looking for some good STLs for a sign for my neighbor. He is a lawnmower mechanic and repairs lawnmowers, weedeaters, chain saws, etc. If you get so inclined to model up some of the tools and items he repairs, I would be interested in purchasing to make him a sign for his shop. Thanks for your consideration and hope others might be interested in these types of models.
will most likely buy that once its up!
Phil - thanks. You are correct.
Paypal was something else
True, I’ve been trying to get that cleared up and changed to the working email but getting a hold of a person at PayPal is like asking for Aspire for free.
Ok Phil, please do a version of your workshop to look like the garage loading screen from Fallout 4, complete with power armor. I’d buy that in a heartbeat…!
Hey @PhilJohnson, these are great! How do you navigate to that page from the Home page?
Will buy once I deposit money into the bank tomorrow
Yeah, let me find one…
I was eyeing them anyways, payment sent. Your time is too valuable and I wanted to support you for more. Trees are next on the list.
Keep it up.
Absolutely, you have given more than you know and buying stls is a great way to give back and get a great product in return. I’m sure that I’ll have some questions I the near future when I finally get my new cnc running. Electronics are on the table and I’m ready to assemble.
Don’t forget my request Phll. I got the money when you get the time.