If the guy actually took the time to compare yours to the vectric tiki it’s pretty damn obvious they are different…
This happened to me after people started copying my designs… someone accused me of copying them. I got all riled up, posted design files, dates of first sale, etc… then the troll disappeared. I would let it go. No one will listen to this moron anyway, so don’t let him ruin your day.
I would let it go. He just wants to get under your skin. He probably doesn’t know any of these admins etc.
I personally think you do great work Phil.
Don’t let this moron get you down either. His goal is to mess with you. Especially since he has not bothered to investigate any of his claims. Also unless he is sending you a letter about a law suit then you have nothing to worry about.
They are out there and this isn’t going to be your last moron to try to mess with you.
I do not understand what causes people to be like this but I have had some in the past try to get into my life and make me look bad. I just ignore them unless they are trying to sue me or something.
I hope he leaves you alone.
Sometimes they are crafty and will create a new account and try to troll you again.
Just be ready.
Don’t worry @PhilJohnson your reputation is safe here on the Inventables forum in my opinion. You have done far too much to help this community and it’s members for some A-Hole to give you a bad rep! You are as solid as they come in my book.
Charley Thomas
I would not require approval for posts because there is this one idiot out there.
If you got haters out there you must have done something right
I would just reply calm like “Please compare the files before you post something like this. I created them on my own and they are different models”.
Do not send him any files. Don’t waste your time on him, he won’t even look at the files or delete those comments.
In other words…don’t feed the troll.
He will be happy if you require approval for posts now after he wrote that post. It will only confirm his behavior.
@PhilJohnson, you have been an inspiration and help to me, ever since I joined this forum. I have learned so much about CNC from you and several of the other folks. Anyone that says anything negative about you, Inventables, or anyone in this forum is just a jerk and deserves nothing more than to be ignored.
Back in my early days of making youtube videos I built a machine to make coin rings. The basic idea of the machine was from another youtuber I even gave him credit and a link to his vid he blew up and slandered my name across the internet. My design and parts were completely different the only thing they had in common is that they made the same thing by the same process. long story short he gave up and I gained more subscribers because of it along with a better reputation he was just mad because I left no food for the troll. It seems to be human nature on the internet. Sometimes it stems from jealousy sometimes the person wants a handout instead on being pointed in the right direction so they can learn themselves.
I too agree with the sentiment here @PhilJohnson. Your reputation is not at risk, just your emotions. Don’t give into this person’s attempt to drag you down. You are a source of inspiration to us all. Not because you offer your, personally made files, but for the countless times you’ve offered support and encouragement. There will always be “this person” somewhere out there lurking to make things difficult. Really, you should be thanking him for comparing your work to another professional design firm. I’m not anywhere near that category
that makes me feel all warm inside
The fact that Todd took the time to write such a nice response is a testament to Phil’s work and the vectric team. @PhilJohnson you should put his note on your site.
BannersOnTheCheap.com does 4’x8’ banners for something like $40, I think we should take up a collection, have Todd’s note printed in 4’x8’ and find that troll’s house and put it up. :)
I was trying to be a bit more PC and less impulsive. But I like your idea better.
Just my opinion but by acknowledging the troll with a message on your website, you’re actually feeding the troll, and therefore it never fully goes away.
People are always going to be that way. You remove their post on your Facebook and just let it go. I’ve gotten scathing (and untrue) reviews on my Amazon shop and products. I either have them removed through Amazon or I publicly reply with a “We will contact you to resolve this issue.” The public response shows care and concern that others will view as a non-negative and potentially a positive. Publicly being defensive/emotional produces a bad image and will turn more people off than help. I too was very short-tempered and fired off emotional responses when I first started, but after awhile, I realized that they do more harm than good.
Again, this is just my opinion and how I go about handling similar situations for my business. You have every right to handle it the way you are handling it and there is nothing “wrong” with it either.
@PhilJohnson is a d!ck… but I still like him anyways. Sorry I missed the drama Phil, I would have provided a snappy banter with the turd skillet on your behalf.
but again… this is what you get for helping the CNC community on days other than Friday.
Soon it will be 48 hours of thinking about this moron. The question is: what can YOU learn from this?
- F*&$ em
- Don’t let your ENTIRE identity be wrapped up in your identity on CNC forums (don’t care so much what others think)
- F$*& em
- Be nicer. As many people you want to flame on this forum, there are twice as many that think you are a dick. Think about THAT for a moment.
- F$&% them too.
Now might be a good time for a beer and some family time.
It. Must be hard to pick apples in a corn field! Jus sayin!
Recipe time:
Peel apple and cut it in to thin slices. Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a pan and add 1/2 a chopped onion until the apple and onion are tender. Add 2 tables spoons of brown sugar and stir until melted. Add 1 tsp salt. Make brats (the way all WI people know how) spoon the apple/onion mixture over the top. Sprinkle with the slightest amount of cinnamon as you can on top. THEN for WI people only, place slice of WI cheddar on top and broil.
Hang it there. You will survive this and be stronger for it. We are all behind you