I have an X Carve but can’t use it well enough yet so need someone to make an intricate box for me to my design it is an invention for kickstarter
Anyone interested I am in United Kingdom so would be convenient to have someone local but not essential
You would have to work from my brief
I’m in the UK to. Drop me a message and i’ll see if i can help you either get your X carve skills up or look at the design for you.
Hi Alex,
Thank you two things
One I would like to change the operating system for my X Carve from easel as I am not happy with it and I have a licence for and used V Carve and Mach 3 would prefer to use these so if you know how to get the X Carve to use these I would be grateful
Two I would like this box quite quickly not sure I have the time to crack on with it right now so someone making it would help
Hi Belinda,
Do you have any information or drawings for this box? What materials etc?
I use a 2d cadpackage then import to SVG and in to easel myself, i find this quite easy as i’m used to 2d CAD. I’m still learning the 3D packages. If you used Fusion360 however you can generate the G-code in this and import to easel and easel will run the G-code. This saves setting up another CAM system to run the x-carve.
Thanks for that info I’ll look into that
It’s just a thing about easel I don’t like prefer to use mach 3
no drawings I have the design in my head I could explain it if you want to give me your number I would ring and talk it through if you are interested in doing it
if you can skype and use join.me I can probably sort you out.
sorry no skype only email are you in uk?
do you want to go facebook messenger?
could you download skype? it’s free