Now, need some explanation please.
Feedrate is 110 Inch Per Minute
Plunge is 110 Inch Per Minute
Please forgive me, What is DOC, WOC and how to check deflection on Vcarve.
Now, need some explanation please.
Feedrate is 110 Inch Per Minute
Plunge is 110 Inch Per Minute
Please forgive me, What is DOC, WOC and how to check deflection on Vcarve.
Is it happening on both X and Y Axis or just Y? Hard to tell on a circle
DOC = Depth Of Cut
WOC = Width Of Cut
Yea, 110 Feedrate seems fast, but like I said earlier Im a noob!! I think I have had my feedrates at about 20-35 ipm.
I tested, 0.2 depth, 6 passes and also increase stepper power just a little bit more. Result is very clean so far.
I will try on customer sign tomorrow, let see whatās gonna happen. Seems I was pushing limits.
By the way, I tried DavidSohlstromās numbers. 110 IPM is huge, whole neighborhood woke up. I tested 50 IPM. its good.
Matter affect I never try this fast. Iām always using 20 IPM or less same cases.
Thanks again.
Nice I will have to try a little faster feedrates, lol!! Thanks!
Feed rates are a double edged sword to fast is bad and to slow is bad. Fast deflection goes up and breaks bits. Slow the cutter is not cutting the way it was designed and is rubbing and wears the cutter out faster than machining at the correct feed rate.
You ask how to determine deflection. I use Gwizard for figuring all of my feeds and speeds. When I input any number that is to large for the cutter Iām using the deflection goes RED and I have to make corrections.
I just noticed that I had Gwizard set for roughing. When I back off the finishing the feed rate drops to 95 IPM and plunge drops to 46 IPM
One very important thing to remember is the amount of stick out you have for your end mill from the collet needs to be kept as short as possible.
Hope this helps.
Here is an article on feeds and speed by Bob Warfield the creator of Gwizard.
Absolutely, I will speed up slowly. Let me get use to it. Iām newbie. Iām keeping 1" stick out on bit now. Is this gwizard have X-Carve configuration or just calculating by the material and bit configuration ?
Yes you can configure Gwizard for your machine or machines. You go to the setup tab and input your machines parameters. Then you can select material from titanium to plastic.
Thanks to everyone spending time for my problem. First I have to learn X-Carve limits a to z. I will reconsider upgrading Spindle to heavy duty DW611. Iām not sure about reliability of the system if this heavy router turning 35000 RPM on it. Then I thing I will go with G-wizard. Thatās my mistakes. Feed rates, speeds and proper tool usage.
This discussion can be marked as resolved. Thanks again.
Glad to see you got it figured out!!
I also subscribed to GWizard. Well, newbie to +1,
Hey Tait, are you there??
Hey Alan, whatās up? How did your job go with a shallower depth of cut?
Hey Tait, didnāt make any difference. Another problem arised. What I realized that, my stepper motors getting some kind of power leak when Spindle working. I open another topics for that, that was the problem for uneven circles and steppy edges. I believe I have bad GShield from the beginning.
When Spindle start turning, all steppers getting pulse - Inventables Community Forum.
But thanks for asking.
hi quick question should an x carve be capable of cutting 1mm deep passes at a feed rate of 1.2- 1.5 m/min say on ply 12mm thick, spindle rpm 13000, cutter say 1/8 bit or would a 1/4 bit be better. i want to cut down on machine time and feel .05 deep per pass is a bit poor if this is its max capability. bearing in mind mine has the 300w stock spindle. would upgrading make for better feed rates and depth of cuts. advice greatly appreciated. @BartDring, @Zach_Kaplan, @TaitLeswing
I am currently cutting a job with a singe flute 1/8" bit.
Ply wood (birch I think)
Depth of .8mm
RPM 12000
.7 m/min
These are pretty conservative numbers for me so I can get as accurate as I can without wasting too much time, and it is doing just fine. Others may want to chime in here but I donāt see a problem with the numbers you are talking about @MatthewHubbard
Especially if you were using a nice and sharp 2 flute bit.
Iām not sure! I usually go with the faster feed and shallower depth cuts!! I am running .03 depth and 40 feed, mind you I am programmed for inches!! But this would definitely be interesting to find out more of!! Iām always trying to find out more info on feeds and speeds!!!
.03 inches is .762 millimeters and 40 imp is 1.016 meters per minute
So your numbers arenāt that far off from mine and creeping close to what he is talking about doing
OK lol, nice to know Im in he ball park of what some others are running!! Thanks Sketch!