I just learned woodwork this year or should I say started to learn. I had never seen or used a CNC machine in my life and probably wouldn’t have recognized it I had till recently.
I ordered the 750x750 on Sept 25 2018. As of today I have most of the parts having come here and there. No I’m not upset about it but my sadness level is 4.35 out of 5. I’m learning to think in multiple decimal places. slight_smile:slight_smile:
While I waited I admit to being in fear of the assembly process, it looked like one needed an engineering degree just to assemble it. So first came the control box, brain, whatever you wanna call it along with it’s dozens of parts. Took an hour or 2 and it was done. Really not that bad. Then the waste board… easy as could be and not very time consuming.
Today I got the “core components” and assembled as far as I could get without having the chain or rails. 1-2 hours later (wasn’t timing myself) it’s done.
Bottom line:
The directions are awesome. The video directions are great but don’t apply to the current kit so I ended up with written instructions but pleasantly surprised at how easy they are to follow.
While I’m not looking forward to the final phase I’m not the least bit worried about it either.
I didn’t buy the kit all at once and found that as I added a few new upgrades, I had to go back and take a couple things apart. I agree the instructions are excellent. One downgrade to them was the black parts on black background parts don’t show up very well. They should consider redoing a few of those pix where you can’t see the important details, with ones with better contrast.
Congratulations and welcome. You’ll find tons of information to help you here. The folks are great
I guess this means my Oct 6th order of a 750x750 is not going to ship within the “typical” 15 day window
I get the sense they were unexpectedly back ordered and catching up this week. Hopefully they ordered ahead. I imagine they have multiple suppliers which would be a big challenge.
On a side note, given how everything fit perfectly it awes me thinking of someone taking measurements and sending specs to various suppliers.
If they are backordered, an email stating such would have been appreciated
I did get a backorder email so if you didn’t…
I ordered mine Sep 24th and just finally got the last box (the rails) this morning.
Similarly I got the controller first and put together, and then waited. Last night I put together the core components as far as I could and got the CNC’s home mostly ready (want to verify clearances and locations and such before finishing).
I did not receive an email about the backorder, so I had emailed them for a status update a couple days ago when I saw that it had gone from 10 (when I ordered) to 15 days. They let me know about the delay then.
So far so good. Putting it together is a lot like building things with Technic Legos so no biggie.
The adjusting and final setup will be the true test of my limited patience.
I’m excited to start messing around. My experience with CNC was back in college 18 years ago when it was a big deal that the campus had a CNC machine (donated used as it was a $40k machine) and we had to write the g-code ourselves as the software that generated it was in its infancy (just able to show a path once coded as a check to make sure not to break things). Incredible how technology advancements and widespread use can bring down the cost barriers.
I too am more worried about the zeroing in process, whatever that amounts to, more so than the final assembly.
I emailed them. They said my eta for everything is before 26Oct, which is exactly 15 business days from my order. They did say they are currently jumbling fullfillment centers and they will be stopping the piecemeal shipping soon (i have already piecemeal receives my controller, motors, and bits).
I actually didn’t mind the piece meal but only because assembling in small bites probably made it less stressful. That being said I have recv’d 6 shipments so far with #7 due tomorrow and I’m pretty sure that won’t be all of it yet although I think (hope) it will be enough to start running the machine.
I’ve got mine together and working. I have a drag chain kit on order but made a temporary rear bar out of some scrap plywood and a piece of 1x3. I also didn’t order a waste board or side board. Still deciding how I want to clamp things down.
Joe Becker on Instagram: "IT'S ALIVE!!!! @inventables #woodworking #cnccarving #inventables"work with them very nice to work with them I got parts and put them together I had parts never delivered to me from fedex ,but they work with me to get the CNC going just call and they will work with you I am still waiting for Parts
I just got my last parts Friday but had to work 2 night shifts (12 hrs each) so to and/or tomorrow are final assembly day followed by whatever the whole zero and fine tune it all process looks like. Very excited.
You will like the Xcarve alot learn ,because itts different and its fun my wife is upset because I work so Late on the Machine
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