I’ve had this 12"w x 60" l x 2" t slab of walnut for about 6 months that I’ve not wanted to cut since it wasn’t cheap. But where is the fun in that? Well today I decided to make an inlay for a cutting board that I picked up a few weeks ago. I’ve got it all glued up now and will share the final result once it is all finished. I used the easel inlay generator app and it worked quite well.
Thank you very much. I used Easel for this one and the inlay app.
What kind of bit did you use and how deep is the cutout?
I used a 1/16" up cut bit and the suggested easel speeds for the bamboo and walnut. The pocket in the bamboo is .23" and the inlay was .25". I didn’t cut all the way through the inlay when I did the carve so I didn’t have to use tabs to hold it in place. I planed the walnut down to about .28" before carving, then ran the carve (face up) over the jointer to take about .02" off. Then finished removing the inlay by sanding with 80 grit.
Next time I’d probably take the inlay wood to .15" Max and make the pocket no deeper than .125" for time purposes.
It only took me about half a day from the time I got the courage to resaw my giant walnut slab to completion, so not too bad. The carving was about 2 hours total.
just courious what font that is? thanks
It’s Lavanderia from the Easel fonts.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it!
Thanks again Bill.
I’ve been commissioned to create menu covers for a local establishment. I shared the CAD with the customer and we went through a few iterations on the overall design, but they liked it enough to order a single unit as a prototype. The prototype was finished tonight and it turned out great. Once I get the actual order, I’ll share some pictures and methods of how I made it.