I have been on here asking for help because I don’t have internet connections and I have Mach 3 and V-Carve licences
What I want to know now is can I change the motherboard so I don’t use Easel and if I change the motherboard do I have to change anything else or will it be that simple
Is it the motherboard I need to change ?
Where would I buy the new motherboard from and how much would it cost?
I have been told I can change the controller my quote so far to give it to someone to do is £290.00 plus vat and I would have to take the machine to them which is difficult for me to lift it and to fit it into my car anyone have any suggestions
otherwise this machine is a white elephant and won’t work at all
I have also tried downloading UGS and haven’t a clue what to do with it once it is downloaded so getting nowhere fast
Are you talking motherboard on the Xcarve?
I think so I am not cumputer savvy or for that matter X carve savvy I am just trying to find a way of using the machine without a cloud based programme and breaking the bank
The stock X-carve does not require Easel.
I’m running mine using V-carve Pro and Universal G-code sender. That’s all you need. The stock electronics will work fine.
If you want to use Mach 3 I believe that you could work out a way to hook up to the gShield (don’t need the Arduino in this setup but you would have to get 5 volts to the gShield for powering the logics). This setup would be a bit messy.
Ditto on Universal G-code Sender (UGS). I’ve used Easel a little, but prefer VCarve Desktop for design and toolpaths, then UGS to send to my machine.
yup what he said, me too!
I have had someone helping me with my X carve set up and I have internet connection now al be it very slow also I have my V carve installed on this new PC AND I have downloaded UGS here comes the crunch I tried to use the ugs and it says GBRL still booting anyone have any idea what I do next?
Make sure that the serial port where your Arduino is attached is set for a baud rate of 115200 (and also 115200 in UGCS).
Thanks LarryM it is in ugs haven’t checked arduino not sure how
Will get back into it and look around
Did actually get it going but confused how to stop and start the process once it has run through the gcode one time and it has one line enabled but doesn’t flow through a line at a time very confused
As they say learning curve!
If you are running Windows, you would look in the Device Manager at the Ports entry to see what the properties of the COM port are. That’s where you would set the baud rate.