Mods for milling Aluminum? or new cnc

Or you could get this Makita RT0701 Adapter that is for the Shapeoko 3 to fit a Makita in the Dewalt 611 mount. I have read some users here used them.

I originally purchased one of these and thought the quality was excellent the price wasn’t. After I bought one of these I turned around and purchased a 3mm styrene sheet from inventables and that turned out to be all I really needed. I still have the collar on because I paid for it but I would have no qualms about sing the styrene by itself.No need to go fancy.

The Shapeoko adapter is designed for the Shapeoko spindle mount which is a lot shorter than the Inventables spindle mount. Wouldn’t you need two of these (top-bottom) to achieve even clamping? Btw, I use styrene too.

It would hold tight with just one but I didn’t like the gap along the bottom. It would be advisable to buy two. I installed the ring on top then cut a piece of styrene to fit the rest of the length. It works pretty good. The shipping on the rings was way to much and that’s why I said the price was too high