Middle Earth map

This was my first tryto make a Middle Earth map on the X-Carve. I modified some pictures I found online. I took some attempts to make it work but, after a lot of broken 1/32 bits, i found the right configuration.
The frame is made of 100 year old reclaimed wood with its original paint on it.
Feel free to comment how make it a bit more detailed :slight_smile:

Kind regards from Germany


The map looks awesome!

You should try to v carve it instead of the 1/32 bit.

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That looks amazing, I don’t even what to know how long this project took. what are the ruff dimensions just so i can picture it better.

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Thanks guys. I tried it with the Inventables V Engraving Bit, but it didn’w work because the material is only 3mm thick,
I’ll do the next one as an relief on a 12mm plate, thats a great idea!
The map is, including the frame, 60/75cm or 25,5/30 inches

How did you convert the map to make it come out so well? Did you use just the easel trace?

That would probably also look good engraved with a laser.


I converted the map in Inkscape and made several “layers” in easel for the outlines and text.

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That looks really good.


That is pretty amazing, I love how that looks.

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Love this. Now thinking how much fun it would be to do a series of wood panels of classic fantasy maps. This, Westeros, Narnia, etc.

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@Testaccount I have been searching all over the interwebs for a Middle earth map to do this exact thing. Would you be willing to share your file?


Hi Steve!
Sure! Contact me at spammaik80@gmail.com :slight_smile: