So ive noticed something that i cant for the life of me figure out - i dont know if the problem is easel, meshcam, or me.
What im doing is simple, - im putting an object in meshcam, centering it in a piece of wood - then im asking meshcam to make a 2 sided cut. Pretty simple - if not for the fact that those halves end up being 2mm askew. EVERY time.
First i thought it was me, and the wood i was using was somehow not straight - so when i turned it, it would lean differently.
I then went to a store, and had them cut the wood for me at perfect angles - same result.
I then figured that meshcam did something wrong, so the object i was 2 siding, is actually the same on both sides; So i just ran one side twice, since its supposed to be centered, it should come out ok ; nope - still 2mm or so off.
I cant figure this out. Anyone have any ideas ?