Does anyone know how to make a photo frame easily?
Does anyone know how to make a photo frame easily?
How did you make the edge that holds the photo on the back
Thank´s Phil
Beautiful frame
But it´s to advance for the items I´m going to put in
Hey Kristian, here are a couple frames that I put together. I did most of the work on my table saw with a miter sled and the inlay was done with the xcarve. I am assuming you want to make the whole frame with the xcarve?
Here is a site that has lots of good resources on making stuff.
that one is $5 which is not bad. I am sure that there are tons of free ones out there. Just have to google them.
Just to list a few
Not necessarily, I have band saw and a router table and table saw.
But it would have been more fun to do everything in X-carve
Here is one that I made.
Amazing wooden frame. Did you make it? or DIY it at your home?
I just found some best router table for my workshop.