Losing steps

Hi I seem to be losing steps especially on the x axis I think. I have tried tightening pulleys, checking stepper motor wires, and using recommended settings, is there something else I can try?

Belt tension. Vwheel tightness.

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Meaning loose belts and overly tight wheels? I don’t know any exact way to calibrate belts or wheels, but checked them and it seems some v-wheels turn as it travels the rails and a couple (on the bottom) don’t, but they can turn, they are just not being forced to turn. That said I think the vwheels have always been like that.

I checked the pulley set screws for tightness, and also stepper motor wiring. The belts are about the same as far as I can describe tautness.

When I cut in the air to test it works fine, but with resistance when cutting it is intermittently getting hung up or even veering off path.

That’s a problem that needs to be fixed. All Vwheels should be turning when the machine is moving in that axis.

That info is all throughout the forum. Fish/luggage scale measuring around 4 lbs at one inch lift of the belt in the center with the axis all the way at the side where the belt is fixed and not adjustable. Make sure both Y belts are the same tension.

Vwheels should not rotate freely but should turn if using 2 fingers to spin them (with the machine turned on and motors locked).

thank you I will try those steps.

i have similar issue

i did a few minutes of adjusting on xcarve today v wheels and no change

but i did notice something

regarding losing steps y axis real bad…seems to be on larger projects
only that go towards the center of work area and past…

for some reason on my y axis on the right side only (farthest away
from my electronics) my motor makes a very odd sound at same spot
…approx 400mm loction

if i bring machine to fronjt left and just jog it 1 inch at a time its
perffectly fine until it gets to about 400mm and then the right y
motor makes an odd sound and machine loses steps bad …i have repeated
this several tim3s and its same spot every time

and it does seem when i machine larger projects is where im getting my
step loses…when i do small projects in the front part of the machine
it seems ok

there is nothing inrerfering with y motor bracket

any ideas?

Are your Y rails exact same distance apart from each other front and back?

yes y rails width distance front to back are basically same via tape measure

but forget my previous response…i tried machinging a part closer to the front just now and it lost steps immediatley…with basically no tool load…1/8 inch bit at .025 25ipm in plywood…now im totally lost :frowning:

i aborted job .have no clue whats goping on…its very aggravating